Registration among the very important task at our institute. This task is done to both institute documentaries and NACTVET system.
It starts with application information where student's personal and accademic details are taken. Then after for those whose daitails qualify to join the institute are registered online to NACTVET so that can be selected to join us under NACTVET requirements. Then after qualifying under NACTVET and assigned to our institute a student is regarded as our continuing students.
The whole process of assigning registration numbers according to year to students is also done hand in hand. This number is what identifies a student, seat identification during examination and results check.
Online rgistration done by both students and management. Applying students apply online as the opportunity of seeking chance to be selected to join the institute. This is done as one clicks the link found at home page in the LEADING HIGHLIGHTS. Here applicants will fill the needed information as instructed.
NOTE: This online
On the other side details for qualified students are registered to NACTVET online system to seek a chance for continuing students at the institute.
For the case of continuing students, registration done once for results online check. These results are posted here at the institute to easen the reach.
This is the fee paid by a student at the institute during application at the institute. This fee is submitted by the institute during registration to NACTVET.
The amount paid is not too large other than TShs 20,000/= (Twenty thousands Tanzanian Shillings). The means to pay is assigned by the institute therefore the raedy and nearby communication with the institute is highly recommended.
Otherwise our institute team is glad to welcome you as the stakeholders. Please pass and share these information to join the reign that aim at PEACE REIGN to you and the whole community.