Igabiro Training Institute of Agriculture is one of the education institutions owned by the ELCT-North Western Diocese. The institution started in 1963. The institute is registered under NACTE with registration number Cert.No.REG/ANE/018 and certified with number Cert.No.SN1997015. Up to date, this institution is owned and managed by the church and offers agricultural education following the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Tanzania. Currently it has got enough motivated workers as every one serve the same institution goals. Also the institute has got partnership with institutes, companies and agricultural stakeholders such as:- Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), Coffee Africa, Serengeti Breweries Company and AICAT.

There is an average of almost 400 students enrolled at our institute per year. The source of income is mainly fees paid by students. Another source of income is self reliance activities done by workers and students. Apart from academic programs, at institute there are self reliance activities like farming, goat keeping, horticulture and computer studies. Also there is sports and game twice per week. The institute has got reliable perenial springs as source of water and collecting tank of rain water that can be accessed easily by students for washing clothes, general body cleanliness, irrigation in farms and for practicals in farms.